D23 - SQUID23
Episode Nr. 4,
Original air date:
2021. April 10th.
Language: 🎵
Show is active.
Airing time: Saturday 23:00–00:30, New episode every second week.
A negyedik D23 műsorban Squid 23 livactjét hallhatjátok. Az lüktetően nyers ipari dobokat erőteljes basszusokkal és fémesen kolompoló hangokkal tűzdelte tele emberünk a kívánt tekno hatás elérése érdekében. In the fourth D23 show you can hear a decent liveact from our beloved Davoria member Squid 23. He puts on some clapping metallic sounds with the pulsating raw industrial drums and the highly energized basslines to cause the desired tekno effect.