Geigercounterculture - Beautiful Lost Things
Episode Nr. 43,
Original air date:
2022. July 3rd.
Language: 🇭🇺
Show is active.
Airing time: Sunday 17:00–18:00, New episode monthly.
In this selection; A Slow boat to China, Eluvium, The
Tumbled Sea, Crashed By Car, Blue Sky Research and
Cover photo; Igor B (aka Geigercounterculture)
Music often transports me like a sea
Toward my pale star,
Under a ceiling of fog or a vast ether,
I get under sail;
My chest thrust out and my lungs filled
Like the canvas,
I scale the slopes of wave on wave
That the night obscures;
I feel vibrating within me all the passions
Of ships in distress;
The good wind and the tempest with its convulsions
Over the vast gulf
Cradle me. At other times, dead calm, great mirror
Of my despair
Charles Baudelaire