Geigercounterculture - Rainy Afternoons
Episode Nr. 81,
Original air date:
2023. November 19th.
Language: 🎵
Show is active.
Airing time: Sunday 17:00–18:00, New episode monthly.
This collection of some of the finest, flooding, melody-driven electronica has been painstakingly assembled to literally drench the room in sound and atmosphere. Add to this the waves of squelchy, analogue bass and pizzicato top notes, carefully blend layers of warm richly atmospheric string, synths and reverb effects with clipped, rigidly structured electronic percussion such that one does not overpower the other. The effective confluence of these elements forms the pervasive theme and unique sound, as human warmth is elegantly swirled together with electronic debris.
In this show; CiM, Porn Sword Tobacco, üNN, Phonem and more
Cover photo; Igor Bartolec (aka Geigercounterculture)